Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 4 five am (Mt. Laguna)

..this is Dirty girl coming at you: Knee is recovered. Tidy camper deals with her stiff foot and Good Eye has some odd toe affliction. Other than that bodies are on the move. Minds are also on The move. We are beginning to meet some interesting characters (other than ourselves that is). I am definitely seeing the kindness of people everywhere, and that is a beautiful thing.
      We are at 6000 ft here in Southern Ca. Pine trees and cedars everywhere.Today we are heading back into the chaparral and a famously windy area.I love it all. Apparently there is no straight path to Canada-it's east then west then up and down then west then east then down and up😜. Straight would be boring...😄😄😄.Got to go and have breakfast. Later all you kind beautiful people.

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