Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang 6/15

TC woke up feeling better. Her appetite returned but she did still have some diarrhea. Her legs were no longer leaden and the nausea was gone. FC was still concerned. The nausea returned mildly after TC started walking. FC wondered where she could get some Chinese herbs out here in the middle of nowhere. Then she remembered what had been working since day one : just ask THE UNIVERSE for what you need. She asked for some herbs. About 10 minutes later she and TC stopped to talk to someone who was resting on the trail. Her name is Moxa. This is an herb used in  Chinese medicine. It is burned and placed on people's skin.Moxa, the person, it turns out is a newly graduated acupuncturist. She and FireC started talking and before long out from her pack came the perfect formula for TC (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang).It takes care of illnesses that have symptoms of nausea and diarrhea. That's the only formula she had. FC had another in mind( Huang Lian Su) but since The Universe chose it she wasn't going to argue. What are the chances of getting the perfect formula ten minutes after you ask for it on the PCT? TC took it all day and she is better. Her appetite is raging and she can now successfully fart without danger. This is a true story. Remember the bandana incident?
      What's really interesting is that Dirty Firecracker, who doesn't wash her hands much, who sits beside mouse turds inspite of the Hunta virus threat, was not the one who got sick. It's already been stated that she is a freak.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that Firecracker found a magical remedy for TC. I wonder if Hunta virus is the same as Hanta virus which is a danger in the 4 Corners
    area of Colorado-New Mexico-Arizona-Utah.
    Isn't it amazing what can be found in the boonies. I will tell you a similar story about Diane's Grandfather Jensen.
    Keep hanging in there --- Dad
