Monday, June 2, 2014

Back into the Mtns. 6/2

We are at the top of Kearsage again and before contact is lost DG wanted to warn you that her trail name may be  changing. There is another hiker who is seriously filthy and should have that name. DG is a changeable kind of gal.
  One more thing; for those of you planning on doing this trail, start with the John Muir trail, test your gear, then stay out for a month or so. Some people are more suited to. section hiking. More on this later. Don't do the PCT unless you love cardio workouts, dirt, and carryiing heavy backpacks. Bye for now.9


  1. I hope your travels thru Glen, Pinchot and Mather passes along the Muir trail each with an altitude of 12000 feet will allow a connection for your blog. The scenery must be breathtaking!
    Love to you both --- Dad
