We have arrived...the center of lemurian activity. To the place of Telos, extra- terrestrial beings living under the grand mountain; a place where people can buy crystals and have soul path readings on the main drag; healers on every corner; two health food stores, a pet tincture store, a bookshop supporting literature about the far out ideas of of this power spot in the universe. Shasta is up there in importance along with Machu Pichu, Stonehenge, Sedona, the Ganges, the Pyramids. Are you getting the picture? Sitting in the health food store eating my fabulous salad and grilled turkey pesto sandwich I watched people glide by in get ups as outrageous as Santa Cruz. I felt at home. TC overheard a conversation about where to swim in some lake to avoid cell tower converging rays. If you are bored with your life come here and have some fun ( at least ). I wish I could have stayed longer to have a physic reading and some chakra work but we will be back. 4 cats not mice. Bob, Herman, Taylor & Pete.
Yesterday we hiked 14 miles by 12:30 pm. We are finally starting to pick up the pace. Our friends from Santa Cruz (Katie and Davis) moved to Weed last May and were gracious enough to allow us to stay in their beautiful new home. Katie had to leave for Santa Cruz the day we arrived so we did not see her this visit. We were picked up by Davis and Lynn Human within 10 minutes of calling them. Lynn had arrived only a few minutes before us. She is on a road trip and had just come back from Oregon. What a fabulous time we have had. It warms our hearts that people are so kind and generous to us. It's also a bonus to be reconnected with people we know and to get to know them in a new way. We ate lots of food, shared lots of stories and did not hike in the 100 degree weather. Shasta is an active volcano. FC wondered if the heat would blow its top off and if so would she immediately be transported to Siriun space.
Our walk into Shasta was mellow. It reminded FC of the shady paths in Nicene Marks or Pogonip. We have been walking through poison oak gauntlets for two days now but the uphill side was more crowded than the downhill side. We are convinced that most of the hikers don't know what PO looks like and are walking through it. They rub the oils off on their clothes and bodies so by the time we arrive it is stripped clean of the urisol caca. We do not touch it. FC is highly allergic.
Setting up newest tent. The one that will keep us dry in the Pacific Northwest.
TC just handed me "Lotus Guide" a directory for Healthh Living and guess what? I can now inform FC as to what chemtrails are - stratospheric aerosol geoemgineering (SAG). It is a global climate modification program conducted all over the world. Unfortunately it may be killing us. Toxic metal particles are being released from aircrafts. Aluminum is one of the metals being used. It's supposed to block the sun rays to slow down global warming but things are 't working out too well. We are inhaling the particles and eating them. They are nano particles which can directly enter the blood stream. Bad news. Is it not fitting that FC,tortured by her inability to understand these trails finds out what they are here in this vortex of power? It was FC who picked up the magazine and brought it back to the house.For more info go to www. GeoEngineeringWatch. org and www. Lotus or www. FC thanks her Universe for bringing her to this place and answering her questions. She is too stunned to do anything at this present moment. She does not doubt that the information is true but she hasn't figured out what to do yet.
What a wonderful place to spend a Zero Day !!! I wish my timing had been better ! It would have BEEn awesome to see you 2 while visiting with Katie and Davis and Lynne (: Safe Travels to you Both !
ReplyDeleteHI bubbies! TC, your hair is shorter than FC's. You both look good.
ReplyDeleteSo the contrails are cloud seeding... or what? Probably not going to read about them on all those links you gave us, even though I should be very very scared.
You're almost in Oregon! May you need that new tent because the drought is going to break, at least a little...and the Washington fires long out by the time you get there.
Twig & I just went tubing on the Yampa in Steamboat. Haviang a very fun relaxed time with my new bride. Happy trails! XOXOX